
This website is a Numerical Analysis Methods Solver using some of web developing technologies and UI/UX design tools. We divide our process on working on this Numerical Analysis project according to the software engineering, And go on this process according to our timeline.


In the first we look to the Numerical Analysis which divided into two types in this project which are Chapter 1 Finding Root of Polynomial Equation & Chapter 2 Linear Algebric Eqaution. so we design two types of pages for the solving problems one for ch1. and the other for ch.2. And bulid other pages to make this website much integrated as the home page which is the landing page that the user can start from to reach any numerical method he want easly. And Team page that introduce team members worked on this project their photos, names, id and groups. Finally we bulid this page which is a bulit in documentation that simply described our project and process.


In the design phase we had bulid a complete UI/UX design for the project using a prfessional tool which is Figma. We was so carefull to make the design comfortable and simple with a unique user experince making the access of the numerical method easy. We bulid a prototype by figma that simulate the flow that user go throw the website starting from the home page to every method page, about team & about project. we focused on the easy access of method from any part of website so user can access any method from home page or footer from any other page. and can reach to home from the logo in navigation bar or footer.


This is a web frontend project implemented with web development technologies we build this project by

For the Structure
For the Design
Methods Functions & website dynamic